I remember a time in my life, a little less than a year ago, in which someone maliciously referred to me as “miss perfect”.  I’m sure they have long forgotten, but I haven’t.  Those words come back to me from time to time… usually they make me giggle, other times, they make me think… think about who I am.

My life is not perfect.  And I hope that I do not convey myself in that way.  I am actually the opposite.

I’m a girl that doesn’t have it all together. A daughter, sister, and friend that messes up often.  I make awful decisions… a lot.  And I ask for forgiveness daily.  I mean, really, I’m kind of a mess. If you don’t believe me, I have proof: my car, my studio, and… pretty much everything I own. 🙂

I’m a girl that despite the bad choices and mistakes, tries to see the beauty in it all.  My life is crazy… it is constant craziness.  I’d be completely lying to you if I said I wasn’t in love with the madness. It’s just who I am.  It’s what I know.  So no, I am not perfect.  But I know that at the end of every single day, I have more blessings than I can count on my fingers, and to me, that is so much more than perfection.

This week, I am extra grateful for amazing friends (old and new), misty Ohio mornings, and as always, the love and support from not only my clients, but from the awesome community that I am absolutely blessed to be a part of.

Have a beautiful week!



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