We have a little over two weeks to go, and somehow, it still feels so far away. Can any first time mommas relate? Somehow, it feels like these babies are going to stay in there forever… haha! My mom keeps reminding me that they WILL eventually come out. I think it is just so hard to believe that I’m about to become a mom to two little girls that it just doesn’t seem possible. But it is. Because God works miracles… miracles like our daughters. And I am so immensely grateful for that.

At a little over 35 weeks pregnant with twins, I am feeling great! Most people don’t believe me when I say that, but I promise I’m telling the truth! ๐Ÿ™‚ I have to tell you something, though… my high risk doctor recommended that I stop working at 30 weeks, and I am going a little crazy without a camera in my hands. Although I miss my clients very much right now, I’m doing my best to prepare our lives for these girls. It is a good feeling to have the nursery ready, all of their clothes washed, the carseat bases installed, and the swings & bassinets put together. My husband and Iย are currently enjoying these last weeks as newlyweds who sleep peacefully through the night. ๐Ÿ˜‰

We know that these babies could decide to make their appearance any day now – did you know that 60% of twins are born before 37 weeks? We are aiming for 38, but I know the decision is not mine, and I trust God’s plan.

Do you have any last minute advice for this first time momma-to-be? Anything specific I should do before the babies arrive? I would love to hear it!


These self portraits were taken at 34 weeks. My sweet, darling daughters…




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