

Finals-Induced Dramatic Post

Yes… yes… this is the week when I become known as “miss drama”. (Totally just made that up. No one actually calls me that). But I certainly feel like it should be my new nickname. So anyway… it’s the week before finals week, which in my opinion is worse than actual finals week. This is […]

December 4, 2013

Newborn {studio}, personal

Let Me Tell You a Story

Let me tell you a story. Earlier today, I shared a piece of my heart on my personal Facebook page. I’ll share it here, too: “After having a late night heart-to-heart with a close photographer friend of mine, it’s tempting to shut down my Facebook page. Now, realistically, that probably won’t be happening… not in […]

November 18, 2013



November isn’t my favorite month. But I gotta tell ya, the person I am this November is much different than the last. As I reflect on the past year, I can see how much I struggled… how I let my heart believe in people who never gave enough to me… people who made me feel […]

November 10, 2013


Welcoming the Newest ELCHERT {first 48}

Christina and John didn’t figure out the gender with their first baby (my beautiful cousin, Stella), and they did the same for their second. I never really understood the whole deal of leaving the gender as a surprise until just recently. See, I received a text on Sunday night from Christina, letting me know that […]

October 29, 2013

first 48, personal

Slow Down

I got my first EVER speeding ticket on Friday.  I was heading down to Cincinnati to meet with an amazing family through Red Thread Sessions (a wonderful organization that gives photo sessions to newly adoptive families).  Anyway, I was devastated.  The officer kept asking me, “where are you going in such a hurry?”, but I […]

October 20, 2013

Children, personal, Uncategorized


I thought hard about how I wanted to express myself in this post. I know what I’m trying to say, I’m just not sure how to get there… or if it will make any sense to you.  Oh well.  I’ll try. About a week ago, I made the decision to no longer lurk my Facebook […]

October 15, 2013


The REAL Story of Snow White {Pit Bull Awareness Month}

It was a beautiful Fall evening, not different than most, when Snow White decided to take a nice long stroll through the forest… They say that Snow White is the fairest of them all. She is very, very pretty. Beautiful, indeed.  While enjoying the beauty of nature and the warmth of sunshine, something caught Snow […]

October 14, 2013

Children, Event, personal, Uncategorized

Herbert {family}

When you’re greeted at the door by a little boy wearing a Mario hat and a toothless grin, you know you’re in for something good.  I wasn’t wrong. After our session, momma sent me a Facebook message telling me that she realized that she wanted these photos to be of HER kids… not perfect robots. […]

October 13, 2013


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