


Yesterday, I celebrated Taylor Elchert Photography’s fifth “birthday”. I allowed myself to take pictures for only about 10 minutes. I left the rest of the party to my sister, Allie, to capture with her point and shoot while I enjoyed the party.  There was a point during the party after everyone (despite my resistance) had […]

July 28, 2013


Megan + Joe {engagement}

They have the kind of love that just radiates. I could feel it, my assistant (aka BFF) could feel it, and I’m pretty sure I was on a cloud of warm fuzziness for at least a couple hours after the session. I’m sure you’ll start to feel it too! When Megan & Joe first contacted […]

July 9, 2013


Newman {family}

Tonight, after all of my sessions, my sisters and I went to see Monsters University. Monsters Inc. was a favorite of ours when we were kids, so it was kind of special seeing it together… and pretty bittersweet.  How tricky of Disney Pixar to wait exactly 12 years to release Monsters University after the first, […]

July 3, 2013


Holly & Chase {maternity}

I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect couple. Their love radiates. Seriously, after their session, I left feeling warm fuzziness. I think you’ll know what I mean when you see their photos. 😉 I just love these two and I cannot wait to meet there little lady. It won’t be long! Yes, they are […]

June 12, 2013


Eborg {family}

They brought their sweet little Madalynn to me when she was just a year old.  I remember being so excited to photograph her on my brand new blue chair with my vintage blue beaded necklace.  To say the least, you can imagine how I felt to see that she had the most amazing blue eyes […]

June 4, 2013

Baby, Children, Family


I’m sitting on the floor in tears as I sift through our old photos.  I know for a fact that you will laugh at me for crying and say something like, “Oh jeez…”.  You always do. It’s late (or early depending on how you want to look at it) and your graduation is hours away.  […]

June 1, 2013


Piper {family}

You know, I don’t really know what to say. I know, I know. Me? A loss for words? Doesn’t happen often. I guess I want to say that I really love what I do. And these photographs… these photographs of your life… they are photographs of mine, too. xo, Taylor

May 17, 2013

Children, Family

Beautiful Things

“I want to make beautiful things, even if nobody cares.” -Saul Bass Happy Mother’s Day to all mommies, step moms, mommas-to-be, daddies that are mommies too, and to every woman who longs to be a mommy- I hope your day is beautiful as well. xoxo, Taylor

May 12, 2013

Children, personal

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