

Play Pretend

Like her, I played pretend beneath the trees. Everything was so lighthearted, airy, and secure in my own pretty little fairytale of a world. Oh, what I would give to be so carefree again. Smiles and lots of love, Taylor

October 2, 2012

Children, personal

Kaden {6 months}

Sweet Kaden is a part of my “baby’s first year” program and it has been such a joy watching him grow. He really is just the cutest little guy… dimples and all. Have you giggled today? I guarantee you won’t make it through these photos without at least cracking a smile! Smiles and lots of […]

October 1, 2012



It’s already the middle of September. How did I get here? I blinked and Summer was gone… other things, along with it. I could have never predicted what college would be like. I could have never predicted what I was getting myself into. So. Many. Changes. I’m learning to juggle school work and photography. It’s […]

September 18, 2012



I love it when my Seniors really relax and be themselves in front of the camera. Allison totally rocked it! Allison, thank you for an awesome session! Smiles and lots of love, Taylor

September 11, 2012


Jordan {5 days new}

I dream of the day when I get to roll out of bed every day and do this.  Somedays, it feels like I’ll never get there.  Somedays, it feels like it’s out of reach.  Somedays, I wonder if it will ever happen at all.  But, in my heart, I know that it will.  I know […]

September 6, 2012

Newborn {studio}, personal


There’s this beautiful girl that I know. Her name is Kelly. We met way back in elementary school. Through the years, we’ve laughed together, cried together, and spent way too many sleepless nights playing Halo together… yes, you read that correctly: Halo. Kelly is one of those friends that would do anything for you. Yes, […]

September 3, 2012


I'm Featured!

I feel so honored to announce that I am featured on Lemonade and Lenses! Please check out this link: I am just over flowing with excitement!

September 1, 2012


These Days

Being a photographer isn’t always easy. It’s not always beautiful. It’s not always what it seems. These days have been filled with “inadequate-so-not-worth-it” ambiguous feelings. I wonder if I’m the only photographer that feels this way at times. Sometimes I feel that it’s impossible that I’m alone in this. Other times, I feel like I […]

August 28, 2012


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