

Arya Noelle {Birth Story}

Let me start by saying that I am a firm believer in plans. Yes, I believe in planning my days and sessions and what I’m having for dinner… but I am also a firm believer in His plan.  I believe that every single person enters my life for a reason.  They are part of my […]

September 4, 2013


Holly & Chase {maternity}

I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect couple. Their love radiates. Seriously, after their session, I left feeling warm fuzziness. I think you’ll know what I mean when you see their photos. 😉 I just love these two and I cannot wait to meet there little lady. It won’t be long! Yes, they are […]

June 12, 2013


Behind The Scenes

You know, I really love what I do. Every aspect of it, actually. With so much pride, I get to create memories.  I get to see parents in awe as I work with their little ones, just marveling at the sole fact that this precious baby is really theirs.  Most of all, I get to […]

February 24, 2013

Newborn {studio}, Uncategorized

Let's Play Catch Up

Where am I going? What am I doing here? I find myself asking these questions often.  More often than usual, these days.  See, my heart craves accomplishment.  It thrives on scrambling to meet goals.  About six months ago, I was struggling with a very tough decision.  I had to make a choice between going to […]

February 19, 2013

personal, Uncategorized

Pure Bliss

First maternity session in the new studio. Wanted to share just a small bit. Due with a sweet baby boy. Pure bliss. (Shhh… enough words already. We’re disturbing the peace.)   xoxo, Taylor

February 18, 2013


Annabelle {9 days old}

Doesn’t she have the sweetest name?  Lovely Annabelle was just a dream to photograph. She slept wonderfully and then gave me some awesome eye-contact.  She didn’t seem to like hats much and she definitely didn’t like it when I “un-tucked” her arms, but that’s okay, I worked with her preferences. It always amazes me how […]

February 12, 2013

Newborn {studio}

New Beginnings

It was amazing. Incredible. Tearful. Extraordinary. It was a miracle. The birth of Caliber… Thank you, Traci and Mason, for letting me witness your beautiful miracle. xoxo, Taylor

February 3, 2013


When Skies are Gray

You are my sunshine… my only sunshine. I had way too much fun playing in the rain with my sweet little cousin, Stella. We were loving the warm temps! Spring, please hurry? xoxo, Taylor

January 30, 2013

Baby, Children

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