So, here we are. And to be honest, I never thought I’d be here. About six years ago, my sisters and I were lounging by the pool, which is about five feet from a cornfield. The corn was about as high as my hopes. I had just photographed my little sister for fun a few […]
You probably won’t understand, but I will try my best. There’s this aching feeling I get whenever I drive by a field of flowers. The ache is similar when the sunlight is just pure magic falling into my car windows or when I stumble across an overgrown woods. You probably don’t understand, but I ache […]
I just couldn’t keep this image to myself, but sadly, I know that Facebook wouldn’t approve. A friend of mine recently had her business page banned after she posted a photo of a baby bum. Someone found it offensive or something. If something THIS innocent and sweet is considered wrong… then I don’t wanna be […]
I went to a bookstore yesterday, in search of a book that they didn’t have. But in my quest for that book, another book caught my eye… a book titled “North American Birds”. You know I’m drawn to all things birds, so I took a moment to flip through the pages. My dad has a […]
This little lady’s smile is THE BEST. I can’t believe how quickly her first year is flying by. She has been the perfect little model for me since I met her, and I can’t wait to see what her next session brings! Enjoy! Oh, and P.S.- each of these outfits and many more are in […]
Sweet Corbin is ONE! His momma asked if we could shoot his first birthday session at Lake Erie, so of course, I was all for it. 🙂 When I arrived at the lake, I took a second to text my boyfriend, telling him, “this rejuvenates my soul”. Hehe. It’s the truth, and it was my […]
IT’S OFFICIAL! I’ve stayed at one location for over a year. This place, that I refer to as my “second home”, has been mine since June of 2013. It’s not perfect… not even close. But maybe that’s why I love it so much. It’s a work in progress. Kind of like me. Let me show […]
There’s something I love very deeply about photography. Okay, so there’s lots of things, but I love the way it requires me to live in the moment. Living in the moment is what the essence of photography is all about. Lately, I’ve been needing that reminder more than anything… living for now. Too often, I find […]
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