“No man ever achieved worthwhile success who did not, at one time or other, find himself with at least one foot hanging well over the brink of failure.” -Napoleon Hill It’s been a little while since we last chatted. There was a time, recently actually, that I considered hanging my camera up. Something about balance […]
Moms are amazing. In honor of Mother’s Day, I would like to share my Stay at Home Mom Series… a series of images taken over the span of three hours spent with two phenomenal mothers. I certainly hope to get the chance to photograph more mothers for this series because it is truly a blessing. […]
Beautiful little lady, you’re getting big too fast. I remember when you were just a little peanut, around age 1. You were a willing model then, too. Let’s make sure that never changes… because it is my honor to capture your spirit. In fact, that’s one of my favorite things about having little cousins. And […]
Thanks to one of my favorite bloggers, Ashley Campbell, this idea has been stuck in my head for the past few days… in the best way possible. Learning to drink my coffee with two hands. Think about that. I’m doing my very best to truly enjoy every moment in my life… especially the simple moments. […]
The goal was to encourage and be encouraged, and although the night didn’t go exactly as planned, I think the goal was accomplished. Big thanks to everyone who attended; it was so heart-warming to see the public come in and admire the faces of many beautiful women. Also, I absolutely love company… I love to host […]
First of all, I want to welcome you to my new website. Isn’t it lovely? It was created with love by the very talented Point of Vue Photography and Design. I’ve been putting a lot of time and energy into making sure that everything I do reflects my style. This was step one. Anyway… […]
I hope you understand your value. And if you don’t quite yet, I hope that you do soon. I hope you create from your heart and that you let your art feed your soul. Never forget when you first fell in love with the golden hour or how it feels to watch a child blossom […]
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