


As I’m sitting here, curled up in a blanket, editing images while listening/sort of watching The Walking Dead, the thought occurred to me… I don’t blog enough newborn images. And then I realized, I don’t blog enough in general. I want to, but I don’t. I don’t have enough time. Enough. I don’t have enough […]

March 23, 2014


Mini Session Mentoring

Workshop Details: April 26th, 2014 Noon-3 p.m. (approximately) My studio: 113 Melmore St. Tiffin, Ohio 44883 Tuition: $315 per person – bring a friend for $230 each We will cover: Thinking creatively – in an over-saturated market, it’s important to stand out   Set building – I will share with you my process when putting […]

March 17, 2014

mentoring, Uncategorized

Meeting Cecilia

There’s a sign in Cecilia’s nursery that says, “once you have love you have everything”. Well, I’d like to alter that to “once you have family you have everything”. Pretty much the same thing… right? I’m so blessed to be part of the Elchert family… a family willing to fly their photographer cousin down to […]

March 4, 2014

Newborn {lifestyle}, Newborn {studio}, personal

I am a Photographer

There’s a tiny smudged handprint on my studio’s glass door. It appeared sometime last Fall. My dad has reminded me (more than once) that it could use a little cleaning, but I can’t bring myself to wipe off that little hand. I see it at least twice a day – when I enter the studio and […]

February 24, 2014

Baby, personal

Are You Sure?

It was quiet in my studio today. I sat on the floor and watched my sweet Peter Lou hop around and explore the newly arranged space. As much as I dislike change, you’d think I wouldn’t rearrange the place as much as I do, but sometimes things need to change. And sometimes they need to […]

February 10, 2014


Katelyn + Adam {engagement}

When I met Katelyn, my first impression was her amazing bubbly personality and her gorgeous eyes. I didn’t meet Adam until the date of their engagement session, but by the way Katelyn spoke of him, I knew he was perfect for her. Like with all of my couples, I asked Katelyn how they met. She […]

February 5, 2014

Engagement, Uncategorized


de·tour ˈdēˌto͝or/ noun 1. a long or roundabout route taken to avoid something or to visit somewhere along the way. … Sometimes, we need to be thrown off track in order to be put back on track. I tried to create my own journey, but I was already prescribed a certain path. I’m sure my […]

February 2, 2014


Soul Searching

Today was one of those days. Alright, so it’s 12:51am, so I suppose yesterday was one of those days. You know, the kind of day when you forget to “stop and smell the flowers”. I made a few pretty big mistakes. Not my day. Nope. But you know what? After my classes ended, my errands […]

January 29, 2014


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