*awkward silence* So uhh… long time no blog. I’m doing a pretty cruddy job of keep up with my New Year’s resolution of blogging 3+ times a week and I apologize for that. I think I was a little in over my head when I made that resolution! Between school and editing, I rarely have […]
I’m thankful for slow internet because it means I’m lucky enough to have it. I’m thankful for that certain someone that steals my perfect parking spot because it means I can walk. I’m thankful for the people that sit next to me who argue about politics because it means we live in a country with […]
Even though the temperatures aren’t exactly agreeing, HAPPY SPRING! And a happy one, it is! It’s been awhile since my last post and well, I promise that there is a good reason for that. I’m just not allowed to share it quite yet. I know, I know, I’m sorry for doing this to you. Trust […]
I can remember a time when I was told that capturing beauty is impossible. I don’t remember who said it, why, or when, but I remember those words. You don’t forget something like that. I think my feelings this week can be traced back to a few different moments, situations, and memories… near and far. […]
Do you ever feel like you’re being pulled in two directions? I feel it. All. The. Time. This week, extra. Actually, when I went to bed tonight, I thought for sure I’d wake to Friday (yes, I’m blogging from bed. I get urges to write.). Anyway, that’s how long today was- I thought an entire […]
You know, I really love what I do. Every aspect of it, actually. With so much pride, I get to create memories. I get to see parents in awe as I work with their little ones, just marveling at the sole fact that this precious baby is really theirs. Most of all, I get to […]
Gold, lace, and pearls… are only for the sweetest little girls. Happy birthday sweet Harper Marie! (and yes, the cake really was as good as it looks) Smiles and lots of love, Taylor
Where am I going? What am I doing here? I find myself asking these questions often. More often than usual, these days. See, my heart craves accomplishment. It thrives on scrambling to meet goals. About six months ago, I was struggling with a very tough decision. I had to make a choice between going to […]
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