God bless the gentleman at the store that day who tried so hard to help me figure out how to place two carseats with two sleeping babies safely in a grocery cart… it wasn’t happening, but I appreciate your efforts. And the kind lady who recognized me at the drive-thru window when both of my […]
This little guy… oh my goodness, I am SO lucky to be his photographer! He was such a dream to photograph during his newborn session. The last photo (with his eyes open) was such a struggle because he just wanted to snooze. I am so excited to watch him grow through my Baby’s First Year […]
Four months feels just a little heavy. I feel like this is a turning point; they are no longer “newborns”… no longer my little babies. Suddenly, every day is a new thing… rolling over, getting teeth, and sitting up. It feels like I am forced to let go just a little more each day. I suppose […]
Thanks to one of my favorite bloggers, Ashley Campbell, this idea has been stuck in my head for the past few days… in the best way possible. Learning to drink my coffee with two hands. Think about that. I’m doing my very best to truly enjoy every moment in my life… especially the simple moments. […]
The goal was to encourage and be encouraged, and although the night didn’t go exactly as planned, I think the goal was accomplished. 🙂 Big thanks to everyone who attended; it was so heart-warming to see the public come in and admire the faces of many beautiful women. Also, I absolutely love company… I love to host […]
There’s a sign in Cecilia’s nursery that says, “once you have love you have everything”. Well, I’d like to alter that to “once you have family you have everything”. Pretty much the same thing… right? I’m so blessed to be part of the Elchert family… a family willing to fly their photographer cousin down to […]
Christina and John didn’t figure out the gender with their first baby (my beautiful cousin, Stella), and they did the same for their second. I never really understood the whole deal of leaving the gender as a surprise until just recently. See, I received a text on Sunday night from Christina, letting me know that […]
To say that this past week was hard would be an understatement. But I’ll tell ya what, when I have a precious baby in front of my lens, all is right in my life. I’ve always described my studio as a separate place from the world… A place where only love is spoken and memories […]
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